Transform Your Look For The New Year

There are many ways you can transform your look to make an impact this new year. Be as confident as you need at your next party with the style you always wanted. From assessing your closet to trying out bold new accessories, here are some show-stopping suggestions.

Focus On Your Hair

Hair is inextricably linked to confidence for men and women. We all know what a bad hair day is and how it can ruin your self-esteem with a knock-on effect. So why take the risk in the new year? All the effort of a new outfit can be for nothing without the hair to match. A stylist booking is a massive help, but book Earth to avoid disappointment. For the guys, follicular unit extraction as a hair transplant method is a popular way to regain what you once had and boost confidence.

Transform Your Look With A Closet Assessment

We all have clothes we love and some we hate. Most people wear something around 7 to 10 times before throwing it away, and this can be good since closet space isn’t unlimited. However, make sure you donate! Moving on, here are some ideas for a wardrobe assessment:

  • Check if your clothing fits your current form in a flattering way.
  • Consider seasonal colors and how they will look this new year.
  • Remove duplicate clothing, clashing colors, and accessories you don’t use.

A whole new wardrobe isn’t necessary, but it helps to go through what you will wear this season and what you can no longer wear. This helps declutter, but it also narrows down your options when deciding what you can wear for upcoming New Year parties, birthdays, and even at work.

Don’t Forget About Your Eyes

Are the eyes the windows to the soul? No one really knows. What we do know is that eyes are pretty much the first thing someone looks at when you talk to them. So why not make them pretty? If you wear glasses, you can try new frames in different outfits and hairstyles. Or you can even try out contact lenses. Conversely, if you wear contacts, why not mix them up with frames? You can also use different shading and mascara to make your eyes stand out.

Transform Your Look With Makeup

Makeup is a Godsend for covering up some of the things you don’t like. But it is usually best used to accentuate your existing best features. There are a few ways you can use makeup creatively to really change how you look and feel. Here are some typical suggestions:

  • Play around with contouring to better match your face to your hairstyle.
  • Try bold lipstick colors you wouldn’t usually go with for a new dresser outfit.
  • Match foundation to your skin tone to avoid a mismatch when applying makeup.
  • Try out different combinations of eye shadow and mascara for unique eyes.
  • Consider eyebrow shaping to completely transform your facial features.

Contouring alone has the potential to transform the appearance of your face. You can use it to smooth out your jawbone and make features like your nose appear smaller. Of course, less is more, and just matching the foundation to your skin tone will even out any blemishes.

Shop Consciously During The Sales

Who doesn’t love a good bargain? Xmas and New Year’s sales are something many people look forward to, and it can get crazy! However, if you are in the market for a new look, keep this in mind when shopping online or offline. Rather than buying the same things you always do, maintain a visual image of what you want to achieve for the coming season or year. Shop consciously around the new style you want rather than what you are comfortable in!

Try Accessories To Transform Your Look

Accessories are an ideal way to enhance the look you are going for. Only around 23% of women feel confident about their looks, so making yourself look and feel good is a massive advantage for self-esteem. But it is hard to get right, so consider these beforehand:

  • Book an appointment with a talented nail artist for something creative and different.
  • Play around with lash extensions if you don’t like to use mascara.
  • Colored contact lenses can complement your overall makeup style.

It is best not to risk it and book appointments with professionals whenever you need to. If you are good at something yourself, go for it. But experts like stylists are excellent at what they do. So, try to seek professional guidance before committing to making significant changes.

Do What Feels Natural

Changing your style entirely isn’t for everyone. Some people like to stick with what they know, and that’s fine. If you aren’t comfortable, it can show through and make you feel vulnerable and insecure. Bold risks with fashion can pay off. But playing it safe does, too! Try various changes at home and see what you like. If it doesn’t feel like you, then get rid of it and try something else. Above all, feeling natural in your style is the best way to show the real, amazing you!


Focusing on your hair will help transform your look for the coming year. Makeup can be hard to get right, so play around with various ideas. And always do what feels natural to yourself.

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