Viva Naturals Womens Multivitamin

I recently had a ton of bloodwork done and found that I’m deficient in MANY vitamins, especially iron. I’m borderline anemic. Like only a couple points. Enough that the Dr. declared me anemic but not low enough to fit within insurance guidelines. Stupid, I know. Anyway, she suggested finding a good multivitamin and said I could choose my own, if I preferred. I’m a Viva Naturals affiliate and knew I wanted to try their new Viva Naturals Womens Multivitamin that just launched. So, when a campaign opened up, I jumped at the chance. It was perfect timing for me because I was in desperate need of these.

Viva Naturals Women's Multivitamin

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The recommended serving of these if 3 per day. Because I, sometimes, don’t do well with iron supplements, I started with one per day, for a week, then 2 per day for a week, then 3. So far, so good!

These look, taste and smell like most other multivitamin’s. They’re quite big, but buffered and easy to swallow. They have that earthy vitamin smell. But, they don’t leave any weird aftertaste for me. Some vitamins, I taste all day. These, I take it and forget about it, until the next day. They say to take with a meal and I think that helps, as well as helping to absorb them.

Since I’ve been taking the Viva Naturals Womens Multivitamin, I have noticed my energy levels picking up. My hair isn’t falling out by the handful and I’m not dragging within a couple hours of getting out of bed. I love it!

Viva Naturals Women's Multivitamin

What I love most about these Viva Naturals Womens Multivitamin is that they are made for womens health and contain probiotics that support energy production and digestive health. I think the probiotics help me with the iron issues I typically have. Because I’ve not had any problems with these. My stomach has cooperated!

These multivitamin’s are also good for women’s health because they contain cranberry fruit powder. I was taking a different cranberry extract and have eliminated it since these have it in them! They also help with immune health as well as hair skin and nails. Since I was so low in everything, my hair, skin and nails definitely needed the boost. I’ve noticed a huge difference too. My nails were brittle and would flake at the ends. They aren’t doing that now. And I’m not having “hang nails” and rough skin around my nail beds like I was.

Overall, I’m thrilled with the Viva Naturals Women’s Multivitamin!

Viva Naturals Women's Multivitamin

Viva Naturals Womens Multivitamin

Click the button, below, to get your Viva Naturals Womens Multivitamin

Have you been searching for a great women’s multivitamin? I really like the Viva Naturals Women’s Multivitamin. I’m doing well with it and plan to continue using it.

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

#VivaNaturalsWomensVitamins #ad @apogeeagency

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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