Those first few months with a new puppy can be a really special time. All those warm snuggles can make you want to take your bouncy beagle, rambunctious retriever or shaggy sheepdog everywhere. However, when taking your pet on family trips isn’t possible, it might be a good time to consider dog boarding kennels Denver.
Kennels often provide great opportunities for your dog to socialize and play, but it’s not always easy leaving your pup behind. It’s important to make preparations in advance to ensure your dog has a smooth and less stressful stay.
Here are three tips for preparing for your puppy’s first stay at a kennel.

Ensure Vaccines are Current
Many kennels won’t allow you to board a dog if you can’t provide them with a current vaccine record. Review your dog’s vaccines and treatments in advance of the stay to be sure they’re all caught up. Doing so will help make drop-off much easier.
Pack Something Comforting
The first time staying at a kennel can be a stressful situation for dogs. You can help make that trip a little less stressful by leaving them with something personal or special. Consider packing a favorite toy, an old T-shirt or a blanket to remind them of home.
Double-Check Food
Maintaining a routine diet is important for most dogs, so be sure you provide the kennel with an appropriate amount of food for the duration of your trip. While the kennel might have extra food for emergencies, it likely won’t be what your dog normally eats.
Your puppy might be a little sad when you leave it with the kennel, but those sad howls will be replaced by happy barks when you return. Preparing for dog boarding in advance by checking vaccine records, packing a keepsake from home and measuring food can help ensure a positive stay in the meantime.
Fins more pet tips in our archives.