Y’OUR Skincare Review – Get A Personalized Skincare Regimen

You may remember me doing a review back in 2019 of a personalized skincare regimen by Y’OUR? I recently had the chance to team up with them again and couldn’t be happier! Even more so than before. Why did I team up again? It’s simple. 2 years of aging can really change your skin and I needed a new regimen for my face. Plus, I had to cancel my subscription some time ago due to personal reasons. Simple as that. (before/after photos at end of post)

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Ok, so, the premise is the same. You take a short quiz to determine the products that will work the best for your individual skincare needs. Then the experts at Y’OUR Skincare take those results and create a regimen just for you!

(click images to enlarge)

Once you receive your kit, use it. If something isn’t quite right for you, reach out and Y’OUR Skincareshow?id=Cy7Wcz9NKi0&bids=1124744&type=3&subid=0 will tweak it until it is!

The ingredients in your products will be different from mine. After taking the quiz and possibly sending in some photos, your ingredients will be matched for your specific skincare needs. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa.

As soon as you finish the quiz, though, it will show you your skin type and what is recommended for you.

See how it shows the ingredients that will be most helpful for me? I love that!

Y'OUR Skincare Quiz
Y'OUR Skincare Quiz

My regimen was tweaked before I got it. That’s right. The folks at Y’OUR looked at a series of photos I sent them, along with my quiz results and determined that I needed an extra hydration serum added to my morning routine. It is a lot thicker than my nighttime serum.

This is what my results looked like after taking the quiz, before they tweaked it, just from the quiz results.

Y'OUR Skincare Quiz REsults

Typically, it would be face cleanser, day cream with SPF during the day and then face cleanser, night serum, night cream at night.

My Y'OUR Skincare Personalized Kit

For me, they included an extra hydrating serum (#5) so my regimen is as follows:

Face Cleanser ➡ Hydration Serum (#5) ➡ Day Cream with SPF

Face Cleanser ➡ Night Serum (#3) ➡ Night Cream

Last year, I needed one tweak to my regimen after I received my kit. This year, the kit I got was spot on right off that bat. My skin is combination oily/dry. The dry part, around my nose and forehead is incredibly dry, made worse by extremely hard/chlorinated water and the colder air we’re now having. On top of that, I have redness along with some very prominent veins and very large pores. (and wrinkles – yuck)

Red spot before using Y'OUR Skincare
large pores, veins and red patch – before using Y’OUR Skincare

Photos don’t do a great job in showing just what it looked like before but, trust me, there was a lot of redness and it looked even worse than the photo above shows.🥴In just one week it’s so much lighter. I was having to put concealer and foundation over it if I wanted to really hide the red areas and that posed another problem. Pebbling.

Before, my foundation would “pebble” into my pores and when I applied my setting powder, you could really see the dry areas. They stood out like a sore thumb. So the red was covered but the dryness showed more. It was a catch-22.

How Did Y’OUR Skincare Help With The Dryness?

Ohhh the dryness! It is almost completely gone! And my pores look much, much smaller! The one way I can really tell is when I apply my makeup, especially the powder as mentioned above.

I don’t think anything, product wise, will help with the redness from the veins since it’s the actual vein showing through the skin, but, my regimen is definitely helping with the large pores, redness on the skin and the dryness.

Y'OUR Skincare After One Week Of Use
Y’OUR Skincare After One Week Of Use

A mosquito had got me below my eye so there is a red bump in the after photo. But, I think the rest of my skin looks so much better! And my face is SO soft feeling! Now, I only notice one small area beside my nose that is dry. I realized I don’t get my products rubbed into that area well so I’ve been focusing on that spot the last couple days and really getting the serum and moisturizer rubbed in there. The dry skin on my forehead is completely gone! The extra serum is really making a difference.

1 Week Before/After

Y'OUR Skincare Before And After
Y’OUR Skincare Before And After
Y'OUR Skincare Before And After
Y’OUR Skincare Before And After

I’ve been using my products for a week and have already noticed that much difference. I can’t wait to see how my skin looks and feels after a month of use!

Y'OUR Skincare

Have you ever used a personalized skincare routine? What type of skin do you think you have?


🎁 This item is featured on our 2022 Holiday Gift Guide! 🎁

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