Cybersecurity For All Your Smart Home Devices

Being bloggers means Clay and I are always connected to the online world through various devices. Living in the 21st century also means that our entire family is pretty much connected all the time as well, blogger or not. We have devices. Lots of them. Sometimes it feels like our devices have devices!

We have laptops and tablets for work and school, smartphones for staying connected to family, working, playing games, etc., Internet enabled gaming consoles, a smart tv… etc.

*Please note that we do take breaks from all the connected life! We’re not “on” 24 hours a day. M’Kay? M’Kay. Just wanna… put that… out there.*

With all that said, we need things in our lives that help keep us protected. Protected from the bad folks that want to hack into our devices, steal personal info, etc. I want to know that when my family uses a device that is connected to the online world, our data is safe and secure. I want to know that my kids can play one of their games and I don’t have to worry (as much) about the safety of that device.

I am on my computer the biggest part of the day. I am busy working on Cinnamon Hollow, checking email and working with others online. I always seem to have a ton of things on my mind at any given moment. Don’t we all? I don’t want to have to constantly worry about device security. Not at home OR when I’m away. I want just one more device to do that for me.

Bitdefender Box cybersecurity

And luckily those protective devices are available!

The Bitdefender Box ($200 retail) is a small device that connects to your wireless router and in return it protects your family’s tvs, laptops, phones, toys and more against cyber-attacks. Think of everything in your home that connects to the internet and has an IP address. It protects ALL of that! It offers the convenient ability to manage the device remotely via smartphone. I can access all the cybersecurity settings from a convenient app and secure and monitor ever device we own! There is a setting for most devices that lets you install a small client that protects your device even when you leave your Wi-Fi range. If you check the Private Line settings you are 100% protected against viruses, hackers and privacy thieves even when you use Wi-Fi hotspots in cafes, airports and any other places.

Once connected to the Internet, every device, even Smart TVs, smart appliances like fridges, thermostats or gaming consoles are vulnerable to malware that silently does its work.

Bitdefender Box cybersecurity

That is so cool! I don’t have a smart fridge, although I want one, but we are thinking about getting a digital, smart thermostat for our heating and air system. I never thought about those or the refrigerators or smart tvs needing protection. But they do. They are just as vulnerable as our computers are. It’s awesome to know that this little white box can protect ALL of those things at the same time!

The package comes with everything you need to get set up as well as one year of included service. You get the Bitdefender BOX, ethernet cable to hook it up to your existing router (optional) and the USB and plug to power the device with an outlet. It’s pretty much plug-n-play although I did have to log in to my router admin panel and change one setting.

Bitdefender Box cybersecurity

It immediately began monitoring and telling me the devices it found connected to our Wi-Fi. Then I could just click each one and decide what protection I wanted that device to have. So easy!

I feel so much more secure letting my family use their internet capable devices now.

Wanna chance to win a Bitdefender BOX?

They’ll be giving out nearly 1,000 devices! To enter, post using #ProtectedByBOX on Twitter or Instagram with the number of devices you have and/or why you want a Bitdefender BOX. Be sure to mention @BitdefenderBOX on Twitter or #BitdefenderBOX on Instagram (since Bitdefender does not have an Instagram) to receive one (1) entry.

See the full contest rules here:

Have you tried out the Bitdefender BOX? We love it!

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