Darkness Before Dawn By Ace Collins

Darkness Before Dawn By Ace Collins
As a member of Litfuse, I received a complimentary copy of Darkness Before Dawn to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own.
About Darkness Before Dawn:
Will grief push Meg over the edge?
On the same night she discovers she is pregnant, twenty-eight-year-old nurse Meg Richards’s husband is killed in an auto accident caused by a drunken teen. James Thomas comes from one of the most influential families in the community. He’s a star athlete and glamour boy at the local high school. But the accident he caused will change his life—and Meg’s future—forever.
Angered by her senseless loss and facing life as a single mother, Meg blames God for what has happened and considers a decision that could change her life even further. Enraged by the brutal trial and the court’s decision, Meg starts down a frightening path of retribution. When the opportunity for revenge comes unexpectedly, will Meg follow through? Or will the remnants of her faith lead her in a different direction?


My Thoughts:

Darkness Before Dawn  is one of those heart wrenching books that you’re not sure you really want to continue reading but at the same time, you can’t put it down. Mr. Collins tapped into some things with Meg’s grief that I, myself have felt. Not the revenge, but the hurt, the anger and the questions you are left with when a loved one is taken from your life. He did a wonderful job of showing Meg’s grief and how she blocked people from her life thinking no one could possibly understand how she felt.

This book certainly takes you on an emotional journey. In the beginning, when the accident occurs, I wasn’t sure I could keep reading. I had tears streaming down my face and my heart was breaking. Meg’s character feels real and I decided that I just had to finish the story. I had to see which roads she would take in dealing with the tragic death of her husband. I wanted to know if this drunken teenager received his comeuppance and if Meg did indeed fulfill her revenge. I finished reading the story and I am so glad that I did! I won’t give away any spoilers, but it is certainly a good read. Just make sure you have a box of tissues nearby!

Purchase a copy: https://ow.ly/jZlsf

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Ace Collins
Meet Ace: Bestselling author Ace Collins has written more than 60 books including novels “Swope’s Ridge” and “Words of the Father,” as well as the nonfiction “Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas”; and “Lassie: A Dog’s Life”. His books have become movies and network television specials. Ace Collins has sold more than 1.5 million books during his career and makes his home in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.
Learn more about Ace at: https://AceCollins.com

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