Many folks tend to stay put during the winter and never think about travel. A vacation is something most people reserve for the summer. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We love traveling year round and our go-to destination is the Smoky Mountains!
This is not a sponsored post. We love sharing the places we’ve rented with you!
One such trip we took, several years ago, was to a cabin rented through Auntie Belham’s Cabin rentals. It is called Lazy Daze and our little family had a ton of fun. It’s still there! This cabin sleeps 6 and has a hot tub and pool table so it was perfect for us. I have a few photos in a slide at the bottom, but didn’t take as many as I normally do. This trip was all about family time! Auntie Belham’s has photos of the cabin on their site too.
When we first got there the sky was bright and clear. It was March. The next morning there was several inches of snow on the ground and we were snowed in for several hours! We didn’t care though. The whole point of being there was to enjoy the cabin. The kids played pool. Clay and I relaxed by the fire place and that night we all enjoyed soaking in the hot tub. If it had been warmer we would have spent a lot of time on the deck that encircles the cabin. It’s huge.
It started snowing while we were in the hot tub but that didn’t stop us. This particular hot tub is sunken into the deck.
Since there was snow all around us we decided to have a quick snowball fight and then hop back in the tub. The kids LOVED it!
Then we headed inside to make S’More’s in the fireplace. This was one of those last minute trips that you don’t really plan for. Life was being hectic and everyone was down in the dumps so Clay and I decided to just head out and surprise the kids with a weekend getaway.
I can honestly say that was my favorite trip with the kids. We were all together. We enjoyed each others company and the snowy Smoky Mountains. It was perfect!
Here are some more photos from our trip.
Have you ever rented a cabin in the Smoky Mountains in the winter?
Thank you very much for the nice write-up!
You are very welcome! Thank you for offering such great cabin rentals!