When Clay was young he was your typical jock, athlete. He loved sports and his favorite game to play was basketball. He grew up in a tiny, rural area called Nonesuch. It was seriously one of those “blink and you miss it” places. Basically, it was a road with a school and a country store. Before he attended school, that school closed down and later became an antique store and they were shuttled to the next community school over. It was also a road with a school and a country store. I’m not making this up. They were rural communities outside a slightly larger city. I know because I moved there too when I was in middle school. That’s where we met and fell in love!
This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/POWERADE.
So, Clay was just a boy that loved playing basketball. And he was really good at it. He and his brother were raised by a single mom who worked in tobacco and at a grocery store to make ends meet. She worked her butt off for those boys. And she supported what they wanted to do. For Clay, it was play basketball. He played in a recreational league until middle school and then he played for the school team.
His dad (whom I love dearly) was in the picture but they were no longer together so Clay’s mom took the brunt of supporting him and his brother with their activities. She took him to and from practice, to and from games, etc. She was there for her athlete son. If she couldn’t make it she made darn sure someone else was able to take him so he wouldn’t miss out.
Then, sadly, he blew out one knee and then the other and could no longer play basketball. any dreams he may have had of going further as a basketball player ended. He had surgery to repair both knees but they are both still pretty weak. We were boyfriend/girlfriend when both knee injuries happened so I saw everything he went through. It’s heartbreaking to watch someone you love get hurt and miss out on the things they love to do.
One thing we both learned is that you have to stick by each other. Be it parents, siblings, coaches, teammates or even boyfriend/girlfriend. Support your athlete! Help them to grow, learn and achieve their full potential. Even though Clay got hurt, he still supports our own little athlete’s in their dreams.
My mom. God love her. She never wanted me to participate in sports. She was very overprotective and because she wasn’t into sports, never let me participate so I never really learned to love athletics. I wish she had been more supportive and pushed me to play more. But she didn’t. She was worried and I can understand that.
I took from that, though, and want to support my athletes in anything they choose to try. If I can. I want to give them the tools and support they need to reach their full potential. If it is a sport they love, why not let them go all the way!
Our oldest daughter loves all things sports. She especially loves hunting, archery, shooting, fishing and outdoor activities. She’s a redneck, country girl for sure. She has a bow that her uncle got her for her birthday and a compound bow. I’d love to see her take more archery lessons and participate more at school. She broke her wrist several weeks ago (falling off a BMX bike no less) so she wasn’t able to participate this year. She just got her cast off, though, and has been itching to get back at it! Unfortunately, her wrist is still very weak and she has to use her smaller, compound bow for target practice. But at least she’s getting some practice in while strengthening her wrist. Shes’ good too!
All 4 are good at different athletics. Our middle daughter loves soccer and our youngest daughter loves basketball. Our son doesn’t play but he’s good at basketball and plays sports with his friends. They all really seem to love sports. They get that from their dad. Most of all, I support them in whatever they decide to try.
So here are my 3 simple tips to support young athletes?
- Let them try: Just because a particular sport may not be your personal cup of tea doesn’t mean your son or daughter won’t love it. If they show interest in a sport, let them give it a try?
- Cheer them on: We all do our best when we have a support team rallying around us, right? Go to the games, dress in the team colors and cheer your athlete on!
- Keep them nourished and hydrated: Being an athlete is hard work! Make sure you’re giving healthy snacks and beverages that will replenish all the vitamins and minerals lost through rigorous activity and sweat.
Simple, huh?
POWERADE actually has something to say about young athletes that I’d love to share with you:
POWERADE believes that with the right motivation these everyday athletes can realize their potential and one day be the athletes that they look up to. Sports have a major impact on our communities. Whether it is t-ball or the pros, every athlete in every league has a story waiting to be told. “
The 4 youngest Martin’s happen to love “the blue POWERADE”. That’s what they call it. They don’t care what flavor it is, they just know they love the flavor. They even order it when we go out to eat if the restaurant happens to carry it, which a lot actually do!
POWERADE flavors:
- Mountain Berry Blast® – this is the blue one that they love so much! It’s really good.
- Fruit Punch
- Orange
- Grape
- Lemon Lime
In case you don’t know what POWERADe even is, here’s some info for you. It is GREAT for athletes young and old!
- The ION4® Advanced Electrolyte System helps replenish four electrolytes lost in sweat: sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
- POWERADE is formulated with a 6% carbohydrate solution to help provide energy to working muscles, and vitamins B3, B6 and B12.
- POWERADE comes in great tasting flavors and has been helping keep athletes hydrated for decades. POWERADE ZEROTM features the same hydration benefits of classic POWERADE but with ZERO calories.
- POWERADE Zero flavors:
- Mixed Berry
- Grape Zero
- POWERADE Zero flavors:
Ok, so now you know what it is. Pretty cool, huh?
So, like POWERADE, we support our young athletes. And we encourage others to as well.
Walmart/POWERADE Offer – Free Sports Bottle:
When you purchase two 8-packs of 20 oz POWERADE at Walmart, you’ll be able to go online, submit your receipt, and order a free custom reusable sports bottle.
Go to https://www.us.powerade.com/walmart/#pov2 to learn more.  The offer is good until April 4, 2016 or while supplies last.
Connect with POWERADE on social media: follow along with the hashtag
Twitter: @POWERADE, @Walmart
Facebook: @POWERADE, @Walmart
Apparel: justakidfrom.powerade.com