Check Out PlaySwell #SwellSanta Holiday Campaign #GiftItForward @playswellinc

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of PlaySwell. All opinions are my own.

Tis the season for giving! Christmas is such a busy time of year. We are rushing around gathering items on our family and friends wish lists, preparing Holiday meals, attending events, looking at Holiday lights, opening presents and enjoying time together. PHEW! I’m exhausted just thinking about all that. 😀

What do you do if you’ve run out of ideas for the gifts? For me, I like buying products that fit the person personally. I do buy gift cards a lot for the hard to buy people on my list. But for my kids and close family and friends, I like to buy things that will mean something to them and add a story to their lives. And after Christmas, I look for products for myself and my family that do the same. There is a place that can help with that called PlaySwell.


What is Play Swell?

This is an effort to change the world – one product at a time. Seriously. You see, we honestly believe that if everyone just took the time to identify and share the products that they personally think are special, worthy, important or just plain awesome and don’t get the attention they deserve, that this simple effort would kick off a virtuous cycle improving much of our lives and our society.

So this is a place for people who care. People who appreciate a job well done and enjoy thanking the good folks who actually put heart into the objects of their creation. It is a place to share, learn, appreciate and discover.

What about giving to others you don’t know? Do you do that? Many of us donate to charities and food pantries, pick a child from an Angel Tree, etc.? Others choose someone totally at random to gift to. And there is a super cool way to do just that!

Right now PlaySwell is having a promotion called #SwellSanta. It is a new take on Secret Santa and it is actually pretty cool. With #SwellSanta you will pay it forward or “gift it forward” by actually purchasing a gift for a stranger! To do this, you will add a product that you love to your account along with the story behind it. Then, during the promotion, you can choose to enter your product into SwellSanta. It costs $68 dollars to do so (you’re purchasing it as a gift for someone else) but YOU’LL get a gift valued up to $100 in return.

Here’s some more info on how #SwellSanta works.

Adding a Product

To enter the #SwellSanta promotion, head to, login, and add a product that you think someone might love. Your product must be available on and be priced between $7 and $100.  Remember, you don’t know who will get your gift so try not to choose something too specific.

You will actually buy your product for someone else in the community. The price you pay will be one dollar less than the list price in dollars. Example: if your gift costs $24.99, you pay $23.

Based on your product’s price, you will be entered into a tier. At the end of the promotion, you will receive a gift from your tier that was entered by another community member. The tiers are:

  • The $15 Tier: products priced between $7 and $15
  • The $25 Tier: products priced between $15.01 and $25
  • The $50 Tier: products priced between $25.01 and $50
  • The $100 Tier: products priced between $50.01 and $100

The Amazon price will be used. Sometimes products go on flash-sale at Amazon and can’t use those prices. In those cases, please select a different product or you will pay the Amazon list price for your gift.

At the end of the promotion, a gift from the tier you entered will be shipped to the shipping address you entered. What you receive is ultimately random, but you can influence the outcome by creating your wishlist. We can’t guarantee that you will receive an item from your wishlist unless you are the only person who has wishlisted it, but gift selection will be heavily weighted toward your wishlist items, so if you see something you like be sure to wishlist it!

So, basically, you  suggest an awesome gift, get something equally as awesome. #SwellSanta

Check out my personal PlaySwell page!

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