Spring Clean Your Overall Health!

With Spring upon us, many of us are preparing to Spring clean our homes, cars and yards. But what about our health? For many of us, our health could use a little sprucing up or “Spring Cleaning” as well.

I have some great tips for you from Dr. Nancy Simpkins, an Internist and Medical Advisor for the State of New Jersey. She shares with us some really great tips for freshening up our bodies from the inside and getting them ready for those warmer days ahead. Colgate Total has partnered with Dr. Simpkins to provide tips on how to “spring clean” and improve your overall health.

Check out her easy tips below.

Spring Clean Your Overall Health!

Dr. Simpkins’ Health Tips To Spring Clean Your Overall Health:

Get Moving Outside:

Spring is a great time to be outdoors, so ease back into your exercise routine with daily walks outside.  This will help reduce stress and help lower your risk of heart disease and hypertension.  Get creative and use apps to track and challenge your friends to walk at least 10,000 steps a day!

Reset Your Sleep Pattern:

With the arrival of spring come longer days and more daylight. Beat fatigue by setting a goal to keep your waking and bed time consistent – even on weekends.  This will help avoid mid-day burn outs while keeping your body in sync with its natural rhythms.

Think About Your Gum Health:

Most people don’t realize that proper oral hygiene can be a good step toward helping to improve their overall health. In addition to brushing your teeth, make sure to take good care of your gums – they’re the foundation of a healthy mouth. Switch up your daily oral care routine by using Colgate Total®’s New Gum Health Mouthwash after brushing. It has an advanced[1] germ-fighting formula forms a protective shield along the gum line and protects against bacteria that can cause gingivitis.

Travel Healthy and Be Prepared:

As you begin to make plans for spring and summer travel, be sure to schedule your family doctor and dentist appointments and address any issues before your trip. Compile a list of medications, unique health issues or history, and physician contact information.  This will be important and save time if you end up needing healthcare while you’re away.

Refresh Your Diet:

Simple changes to your diet can bring more sustained energy and knock off a few pounds.  Swap out snacks like potato chips with banana chips and replace red meat with lean protein from turkey and chicken.  Also look to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season into your diet.

Dr. Nancy Simpkins Bio:

Dr. Nancy SimpkinsDr. Nancy Simpkins is a Board Certified Internist who has been involved in all aspects of internal medicine, with a focus on women’s health for over 28 years. Dr. Simpkins is a graduate from The Chicago Medical School and completed both her internship and residency in internal medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx before receiving her certification from the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. Simpkins is affiliated with St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, New Jersey. In addition to her solo practice, Dr. Simpkins is also a Medical Advisor for the state of New Jersey.

I definitely need to put these tips for spring cleaning your overall health into practice. I have high blood pressure and since having my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago, the pounds have really packed on, seemingly over night.  So on the pretty days I need to get up and get moving. I’ll take Jasper puppy for a walk and do us both some good!

My sleep pattern is currently all kinds of messed up. Part of that is from the time change, part from work deadlines and part from a puppy that has to go out at the most inconvenient times of night! So I need to get that straightened out.

I’ve been working on my gum health all winter and they are looking great! I use Colgate toothpaste and mouthwash (reviews coming this week). They help whiten my teeth, freshen my breath and maintain my gum and dental health. So I’m pretty good there.

I always get my Dr. appointments in and medication refills right before going on a trip. So I’m good there too. But I do need to compile a list of medications, unique health issues or history for me and my family, and physician contact information.

Lastly, I am already refreshing my diet. I’m getting back on track by including lot’s of leafy greens, fiber through fresh fruit, flax and chia seeds and healthy fats like avocados and almonds. I’m limiting my meat to white meat chicken and only rarely other meats. I need some protein in my diet or I don’t lose weight. I’m not sure why but I find that when I go mostly vegetarian and include a little white meat chicken and hard boiled eggs, I do great! So I’m getting myself on track to finally get and stay healthy! No more bouncing back and forth with weight loss. My body can’t take it any more.

So I’m pretty good on the Spring Cleaning for my body but definitely have room for improvement. Dr. Nancy Simpkins tips are just what I needed to get really motivated with Spring Cleaning my overall health!

Will you use any of the tips to help Spring Clean your overall health mentioned above?


The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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