Staying Heart Healthy With Campbell’s

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Campbell Soup Company. All opinions are my own.

Getting heart healthy is on my priority list! I have high blood pressure. Heart disease runs in my family. It also runs in Clay’s family. So we try our best to teach our children how to be heart healthy. Some ways we do that are to limit fat intake, although we aren’t as good with that as I’d like to be. We eat a lot of chicken and leaner meats but we consume fats in other ways. So we need to work on that.

I offer plenty of vegetables at every meal and we have bowls of fresh fruits for snacks. So it try to get the kids to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. They’re picky with their cooked foods but they’ll eat raw veggies and fruits pretty well.

Good grains and fiber is something else I’ve begun adding to our diet. Clay won’t hardly touch whole grain pasta so I’ve started mixing it in when we have spaghetti. About half and half to start. Then as we start liking it more, I can wean out the regular pasta and hopefully make the switch to the whole grain.

I’m using less salt when I cook our meals and I’m using lower sodium options as much as possible. I do salt minimally while cooking but I never add salt to my own foods at the table. So I’ve really cut back on my own, personal sodium intake over the last couple of years.

Exercise is something we need to add more of. We are a tech and gadget loving family so we really need to work to get up and get moving. We plan on taking family walks in the evenings when the weather warms up some. Negative degree temperatures don’t make for good walking weather. So I definitely need the warmer temps. But we are turning off and getting up more in the evenings and doing things as a family to get a little more exercise in together.

Lastly, I’m trying to use heart healthy ingredients in my cooking. I search for recipes that have ingredients that are good for your heart and use a lot of the Campbell’s Address Your Heart products. Spinach is one ingredients that I can sneak in to a meal and the kids will gobble it right up without even realizing they’re eating healthy!

Below are some yummy dishes from Campbell’s that we’ve begun using. I love squash and there are a couple of squash dishes in there. I thought you might like to try them too.

Here is a fantastic list of Campbell’s money saving coupons and special offers.

About Campbell’s Address Your Heart

Health is foremost on people’s minds, keeping your family in tip top shape can be a challenge in these busy times. Campbell’s Soup wants you to “Address Your Heart” with Heart Healthy Tips, recipes and more!

Visit to get heart-healthy tips, including 21 Campbell’s recipes that are certified by the AHA and product coupons, as well as for the latest Campbell’s recipes and offers.

What are some tips you have for staying Heart Healthy?

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