What Not To Do While Creating An Online Wedding Registry

Many people love weddings. It is a joyful occasion that brings two people together. It sparks excitement to the couple and everyone else involved in the preparation, from picking out the date, rings, dresses, food, and venues. The only option left is to choose gift preferences. Nowadays, the bride and groom are most likely to opt for an online wedding registry instead of heading to a busy department store. It is more convenient, with its wide selection of items, plus the delivery system is also efficient.

It is always fun to create your online wedding registry. It is exciting to think about filing your home with gifts coming from your family, friends, and well-wishers. When creating your wedding registry, you do not have to worry about strict rules. However, there are guidelines that you need to follow to avoid the common mistakes a bride and groom make during wedding planning.

Wedding Registry
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives from Pexels

Do Not Wait Too Long to Register

Upon announcing your engagement, the number of well-wishers that would like to give a token of congratulations will start pouring in. Setting up your online wedding registry earlier is always a good idea for the convenience of your guests. It gives them enough time to purchase your gifts. As your wedding date gets closer, you can always update your list and add more items to the registry.

Do Not Go Overboard

The online wedding registry saves you time and headaches. However, one of the common mistakes that most soon to be newlyweds make is by going overboard with the number of stores that they register. When you register, choose a store that has many household basics. If possible, stick to two or three stores that provide a wide range of gifts of varying prices.

 Do Take Inventory of the Stuff That You Already Have

One of the common mistakes that a bride and groom make is by not taking an inventory of the stuff they both own. As a result, when you open your gifts, you realise you have bought the same set of items already.  Before you go for an online wedding registry, it is a good idea to decide what you both need and take note of the things you wish to have.  For you not to miss out on the items you like to receive from your guests, you can categorise it, such as the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, garden, etc. It will make it easier to itemise the things that you wish to receive.

Do Not Avoid Registering for Enough Gifts

It is okay to register more gifts than the number of guests that will be attending your wedding. It will give your guests enough choices for the items that you wish to have. If possible, balance out the price range of your gifts when making your online wedding registry. It ensures that your guests can choose a gift within their budget range.

Do Not Ask for Money

Asking for money directly from your guests is still considered a taboo by many individuals. However, you can make it less awkward by choosing financial registries when you sign up for an online wedding registry.  For example, if you are trying to raise funds for a charity program that both you and your partner are involved in, you can have it arranged with the organisation you are supporting. So, if you have guests who are also supporters of the same charity program, they can deposit the money directly to the customised account.

Do Not Put-Off your Thank-You Cards

Every time you receive a gift from the lists of your online wedding registry, it is proper etiquette to send thank-you cards immediately. Writing thank-you notes two-weeks after the wedding is okay, but not after three months. Keep a list of what you receive from your guests to make your notes more personalised.

A wedding registry is a fun way of getting your wishlist to come true. However, do not forget to include your partner when it comes to registering gifts. They might not be too invested in wedding setups, or flower arrangements, but the registry is for the both of you. Enlist the help of your partner and have fun filling out the list.

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