4 Ways To Make Mealtime More Meaningful With Your Family

With this fast-paced world, people are becoming so busy that they sometimes neglect one important thing – their family. In a study made by the destination marketing organization of Anaheim in California, it was revealed that American families spent only 37 minutes of quality time together every day during weekdays.  But there are effective ways for families to spend bonding moments together in the comfort of their homes.

Bonding can be done in a variety of ways, such as family game night, a movie marathon, or doing chores together. The key is to make it safe and a fun way of learning crucial life skills. Check out these 4 ways on how to make mealtime more meaningful with your family. 

4 Ways To Make Mealtime More Meaningful With Your Family
Photo by Hannah Tasker on Unsplash

Serves as bonding moments

It is better to set particular times in a week wherein the whole family can cook together. Children will learn the value of commitment to a task and to prioritize family life. Cooking can also be an appropriate time for parents and kids to talk, share stories or jokes and connect while working together. 

Introduce the value of safety

For kids, especially to the younger ones, the kitchen is a big world they will love to explore. Aside from child-proofing the kitchen, parents can also discuss safety measures that should be observed while in the area. According to the US National Fire Protection Association, from the year 2013-2017, they responded to 173, 200 fires started by cooking activities, 62% of which are caused by ranges or cooktops. Good thing is that today, induction cooktops are easier and safer to use than most traditional stove tops. 

Teach life skills

Depending on their age, parents can teach their children while cooking. It can be from the simple knowledge of counting or identifying shapes and colors to following directions from the recipes and different cooking techniques. More than practical skills, they learn the value of teamwork, collaboration, patience, and even cleanliness that will help them develop as a person.

Promotes proper nutrition

Parents can use this precious time to teach kids the importance of proper nutrition. They can introduce fresh and healthy ingredients along with the benefits one can get from consuming it. Through this, kids can learn how to eat healthy and make proper food choices.

Every moment that families spent together will always create special memories that children can look back to when they grow up. Sure thing is that those times when you prepare family meals together will be one of them.

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