Easter Gift Idea: The Craft Of Faith Easter Crafting Kit

When I was growing up, my mama always made me the most amazing Easter baskets. One year she, literally, made the basket using chocolate and a balloon! I tried to recreate that, once, for my own kids and had a pre-Pinterest – Pinterest fail. Major, chocolate explosion! lol These days, I like to get my younger daughter something she can do as a craft and my older kids, personal care items, and of course a little candy. For the craft, I’ve discovered the Craft Of Faith Subscription box. It currently has an Easter themed kit, available at their online store and at Walmart.com!

Sorry for posting all that in one sentence, but I wanted to hurry and get on to showing you some of the items included.

The Craft of Faith, a Christian-themed crafting subscription box for children ages 5-10, is centered on meaningful lessons and quality family engagement. This particular box, is the Easter themed box available at Walmart.com.

The kit includes 4 Faith-based, Easter themed crafts one for each week of the month.

The Craft Of Faith Easter Themed Craft Box

I was going to wait an include this in our daughter’s Easter basket but then I realized that wouldn’t give you a heads up on this neat Easter basket idea, if I waited. So I gave it to her early and we spent the day doing the crafts together.

The kit includes most everything you need to complete each craft. The instructions were a little vague in some spots so we did have to guess a couple times on how to complete some parts. The crafts were very easy, though and we both had a wonderful time assembling them.

The Easter kit comes with a watercolor paint set and small pack of crayons along with items inside each individual craft, like cotton balls, frames, tissue paper, craft foam, etc.

Each weeks craft includes a Bible verse that corresponds with that weeks craft. I loved being able to read the verse together and then look it up in our Bibles and study on it throughout the day.

This craft allowed my daughter to ask me questions about the particular verse, the Bible and what Easter represents. It’s not all about the candy and the baskets and we talked about that. The Craft Of Faith Subscription craft box, opens the door for talking to your children about the Bible, during Easter and throughout the year!

Here are some more photos of the projects we worked on together:

The Craft Of Faith Easter Themed Craft Box

Designed to embrace Biblical themes and encourage valuable bonding time, Christian families now have The Craft of Faith as a unique combination of learning, creative expression and scripture. The Craft of Faith box comes standard with four unique Bible crafts. Special for Easter, The Craft of Faith box has curated Easter messaging, illustrations and instructions, as well as brief lessons for parents to share the meaning and teachings of Jesus. The Craft of Faith offers boxes include activities for up to four children starting at only $19.95. In addition to Easter, The Craft of Faith will have Christmas boxes and monthly themed boxes to celebrate special important religious holidays.

The Craft Of Faith

What are some items you like to include in your kids Easter baskets? I always include Peeps. All 4 of our kids like them so they’re an Easter candy tradition around here. They also get a chocolate bunny and a few jelly beans. That’s about it for the candy. I’ve personally, gone sugar-free. But my kids do still get a little candy from time to time. Just a little. So I’ll include those. The older girls want skin care items and I’m not decided, yet, on what to get our son. He’s 19 so he’s a little more difficult to shop for, but he still loves to be included in the basket giving.

Do you have an age limit? I will make my kids baskets until I’m too old to remember how! Would you consider a Faith based craft box subscription for your children? And if so, would you do the monthly subscription or just on specific occasions?

While you’re here, download the adorable Easter themed printable decoration on this page!

The Craft Of Faith Easter Themed Craft Box

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