Exploring Tropical Tea — From The Health Benefits To How You Can Make It Right At Home

Over a third of people find tea to be “too boring,” according to one survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of the Chinet brand. While standard and plain tea options can certainly be less than enticing, branching out and trying sweet and tangy tropical flavors can make for an interesting and tasty beverage. For those who wish to decrease their daily caffeine intake or simply try something new, getting into the habit of drinking tropical tea can present a healthy and relaxing alternative. From exploring the different tropical tea options out there to the health benefits involved, here are just a few tips worth keeping in mind.

tropical tea

The health benefits of tropical teas

For those who are interested in developing a taste for tropical teas, there are several benefits to be aware of, specifically in terms of your health. For instance, consuming hibiscus tea, a tropical flowering plant that has a fruity, tangy, and sweet flavor profile can bring a multitude of health benefits to the table. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the hibiscus plant is rich in antioxidants such as beta carotene, vitamin C, and anthocyanin. That said, such antioxidants aid greatly in destroying free radicals within the body, which cause damage to cells that contribute to diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. While hibiscus offers additional benefits, like its ability to fight inflammation and lower blood pressure and cholesterol, it’s certainly not your only option for healthy tropical tea.

Pineapple tea is another great healthy tea option that brings just as many benefits as hibiscus. Because pineapple peels contain an enzyme called bromelain, the fruit can contribute to a healthier digestive tract, allowing it to aid with conditions like IBS syndrome and constipation, according to Potentash. The enzyme bromelain can also aid with inflammation, and along with pineapple’s high content of vitamin C, it can help in fighting infection, too. 

Creating your own tropical infusions

While tropical tea infusions can be found in the grocery store in bag form, ready to go, making it yourself can be a great way to make drinking tea part of your daily routine. Thankfully, this can be done right at home, and without much effort. Making mango tea, for example, can easily be done with the use of mango nectar in conjunction with high quality black tea bags. By making the black tea as you normally would, adding in the right amount of mango nectar and sugar will make for a tropical and sweet taste, whether you choose to ice it or not. Making a healthy pineapple tea at home is equally as effortless, and can be done by simply boiling pineapple peels (Potentash.com recommends adding in a bit of fresh ginger, a cinnamon stick, brown sugar, and vanilla extract).

Broadening your options

For those who don’t have time to create their own tropical infusions (or who would simply like to try out different teas in an easier way), exploring convenient options online is a great way to work tea into a healthy daily routine. This can be especially beneficial since a variety of tropical teas may be harder to find in your local supermarket. Exploring different tea subscriptions, for example, is a great way to branch out and try new things, especially since you’ll be able to try tea from around the world that you won’t find anywhere else. From single origin options from places like Kenya, Sri Lanka, and Nepal, getting different tea delivered to your door on a regular basis will ensure you never run out of new flavors to try. 

Getting into the habit of drinking tea can be difficult, especially if you’re a longtime coffee drinker or you simply have never liked the way the standard cup of tea tastes. However, with the help of a tea subscription and exploring the wide variety of tropical tea out there, you’re sure to find a few that you like.

We are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice and we cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research before using.

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