How To Avoid The Jitters And Anxiety From Coffee

If you’re one of the millions of people who feel anxious or jittery after consuming coffee, this article is for you.

You see, coffee is a tried-and-true recipe to kick-start your day energetically. But if you drink it daily, the caffeine can take a toll on you. Of course, too much of everything is bad. But still, if you want to get the benefits of coffee without the negative side effects like nervousness and jitters, come along!

Make it more nutritious

Coffee is acidic, meaning it lowers your body’s pH level. You know that your body system always tries to maintain a balance, so to neutralize the acidity, it releases calcium and magnesium from your bones. This causes a deficiency in calcium and magnesium, which may result in a weird jittery feeling. (Calcium and magnesium regulate muscle contraction.)

One way to prevent that is to ensure you get enough calcium and magnesium in your diet or coffee to counter the deficiency it may generate.

Reduce your coffee intake without actually reducing it

You know you get a good morning boost from coffee, so you don’t want to start your day without it? What do you do? Find a better alternative!

One good alternative is maca, a coffee like-product rich in ingredients. You can add maca in coffee, which is known to provide an energy boost without the jittery effect. Maca is rich in mineral content and can be mixed with natural coffee to reduce the coffee’s concentration while improving nutritional value.

So, in essence, you have reduced how much natural coffee you take without reducing the total volume of your drink.

Time your coffee consumption rightly

Drink coffee at least half an hour after waking, not immediately. It’s also advisable to take it with food. This will slow down the coffee absorption, so the energy and side effects do not see a sharp spike but advance slowly. The energy will last longer, and you will barely feel any jitters or anxiety.

Get enough sleep

Let’s face it; if you get enough sleep every night, you tend to wake up feeling more energetic. The less sleep you get, the more coffee you need to replenish your energy. And the more coffee you drink, the less sleep you’ll get! This results in a vicious cycle where one leads to another, which reinforces the first. It goes on and on.

So, it’s simple. Get more sleep! That’s the best way to break the cycle. Coffee is a stimulant and will keep you awake. The more of it you get, the more stimulation your adrenal glands receive until they tire out and make you feel nervous.

Reduce your coffee intake, and the stimulant effect will slow down. You’ll have a greater chance of better quality sleep.

Manage stress

Stress management is crucial when you go through a lot on a daily basis. The truth is, physical and mental stress puts more work on your adrenals, which can worsen the stimulating effect of coffee.

Try meditating for 10 minutes in the evening and in the morning. Doing so can help you feel more awake as you begin your day. Even when you have coffee after that, your body handles it well, and you will feel more focused.

Finally, ensure you drink water throughout the day. Not too much at once, but in bits, so that you don’t urinate too often, which may lead to dehydration. This dentist who does dental implants in Newmarket also adds that reducing your coffee intake and drinking more water is good for your dental health. Coffee is an acidic beverage and, therefore, is detrimental to your teeth as it erodes the enamel. Water, on the other hand, neutralizes the acid level in your mouth.

If you follow the above tips, rest assured that you’d feel energetic without any jitters from your morning coffee.

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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