No Boots Needed For These Self-Guided Trails In Richmond, Indiana

Did you know you can hit the trails without stepping foot into the great outdoors? Instead of getting boots and a backpack, all you might need is your car and a little cash. One small town, Richmond, Indiana, has several trail-inspired tourist attractions that offer pretty views and tasty treats. 

Richmond, located in east-central Indiana, is within two hours from Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and Dayton. Its proximity to metropolitan areas makes Richmond ideal for a day trip or weekend getaway. Look into hotels and B & Bs as well as guest house booking Richmond IN. Once you settle in, you can head to the trails by foot or car.

Self-Guided Trails In Richmond, Indiana

The Mural Trail

If you enjoy city art, then you will be tickled by the Mural Trail. Richmond and Wayne County have at least 80 vibrant murals covering buildings and structures throughout the area. You can pick up a brochure that maps the mural locations throughout the area.

The Heartland Wine and Ale Trail

Along the Ohio/Indiana border is a scenic, self-guided tour of wineries and breweries called the Heartland Wine and Ale Trail. You can sample the local brews and choose your favorite as you enjoy the sights through the vineyards and backroads. 

The Chocolate Trail

After lunch or dinner, you might want to save room for dessert on the Chocolate Trail. Starting at the Welcome Center, you can pick up a free Chocolate Trail Passport, which will guide you to the businesses offering free samples of their chocolate candies, ice cream and fudge.

The Antique Trails

Because there are so many antique dealers in Richmond and Wayne County, the Convention and Tourism Bureau had to establish two different trails for tourists. Be prepared to browse for hours so you can find a treasure or two to take home.

Richmond is a charming town and with friendly people who are ready to suggest places to eat and tell you about the town’s history. If you visit once, you will likely return to hit the trails again.

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