Top Five Facts About Seattle, Washington

Seattle is surrounded by stunning mountains that provide picturesque views, and is known as the Emerald City due to its abundant amount of evergreen trees. When it comes to travel visiting or living in Seattle, Washington, there are plenty of condos in Seattle so there isn’t a shortage of living space, plus the food will draw you in. Aside from that, there are plenty of reasons why you would want to see Seattle or live here at least once in your lifetime.

Seattle, Washington

  1. It is the most literate city in the United States. This is based on the Seattle Public Library having the highest percentage of library card holders per capita. This city has one of the largest, well-educated populations in the entire country. Plus, the library system that Seattle has is gorgeous with its glass-paned roofing, beautifully arranged bookshelves, and green space. Yes, there are green spaces within the library, making it an incredibly comfortable place to spend your day.
  1. Seattle has the largest percentage of residents with a college degree. Post-secondary education is incredibly important in this city, and if you want a job, you’re going to need to have a minimum of a college degree.
  1. The city is filled with green areas and spaces. It is known as one of the fittest cities in the country, because of the available spaces to cycle, run, walk, and hike. Twelve percent of the total land area in Seattle is filled with green space, including mountainous regions that are perfect for challenging exercise.
  1. Several of the world’s largest Fortune 500 companies started out in Seattle. This includes Starbucks, Amazon, Microsoft, and Boeing.
  1. Seattle was built on top of another city which was burnt down in the Great Fire of 1889. Because of this, you can take underground tours to see the infrastructure of the town that came prior.

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