I’ll Be Blogging With Dolphins This Summer!

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Blogging With Dolphins
Blogging With Dolphins

I am super excited! You know that Clay and I visit the Smoky Mountains several timer per year, right? Well, This summer, my family will be visiting the beach for the very first time and may get to see dolphins! Clay has been to the beach but the kids and I haven’t. We’ll be traveling, as a large group with family and friends, to St. Simon’s Island, GA. There’s going to be around 25 of us on this trip! While we’re there, we’ll be heading to Jekyll Island.

I’ve teamed up with Jekyll Island ​Boat Tours for a dolphin tour! I’ll be taking photos and video of our experience. I am in love with dolphins so I really hope to see several. I hope some come up fairly close to the boat so we can get some great photos and video!

Jekyll Island ​Boat Tours - Blogging With Dolphins

I probably won’t be able to do a live stream out on the water but I’ll sure give it a try! I haven’t decided if I want to do it on Facebook Live or another platform but I’ll let you all know so you can tune in.

Jekyll Island Dolphin Tours are 90 minute boat tours departing from the Jekyll Island Historic Wharf.



There are several types of tours to choose from .  Jekyll Island Dolphin Tours offers the dolphin tour adult twilight tour where you can bring wine or your favorite adult beverage and enjoy a sunset boat ride, sunset tours, private tours and other special events throughout the year.

I’ve read countless reviews of Jekyll Island Boat Tours on sites like Yelp and Tripadvisor and they have gotten really high praise. Just through my online dealings with Captain Phillip I can tell you he and Captain John are both super nice. I can’t wait to meet them in person and take our tour!

Have you ever taken a dolphin tour? What did you think?

Check out our Travel Adventure videos below!

31 thoughts on “I’ll Be Blogging With Dolphins This Summer!”

  1. Having grown up at the beach, I’m more intrigued with the Smokey Mountains. I’m not a big fan of going out on the ocean and cruises hold no lure for me. The mountains tho, I would love to live there, high on the side in a log cabin. I do look forward to hearing about your adventure and the dolphins 🙂

  2. we have been on vacation to the smokey mountains and stayed in a log cabin and it was amazing! I plan to go again, i love it so much. they have so much to do and i love their single roller coasters they have on the side of the mountain. so much fun! I love being on the water also and I haven’t been for so long so that is on my to do list this summer. my husband is taking to kids to see his father and i plan to go stay on the beach with a balcony. some nice relaxing time for mommy! 🙂

  3. I am so jelly. I love dolphins. I got to swim with them in Tortolla about 2 years ago. It was the best experience of my life. I hope you have a fun and enjoyable trip. I can’t wait to see your post!

  4. I would love to visit the Smokey Mountains, I’m sure your family had a wonderful time. I can’t wait to see the pictures of your Dolphin tour!


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