HELP! I Have Gallstones!

Ever had one of those days when you felt GREAT all day and them BAM, all of a sudden you thought you were dying?

I had that this past Saturday. I’ve been sick off and on for a couple of weeks but Saturday i actually felt pretty good. I had lots of energy. My cough was better, my stomach issues had ended… or so I thought.

It was unusually warm for this time of year so Hubby grilled hamburgers. While I was eating, my stomach starting feeling a little odd.  I’ve had these “attacks” before but was always told it was gas and to take GasEx. (real ladylike conversation, I know) So I tried that. A couple hours later, the fullness had turned to pain so I tried the GasEx one more time. A couple more hours later it hadn’t eased up any at all so I had Hubby take me to the ER.

They did an ultrasound and sure enough, I’m full of gallstones. My blood work and urinalysis came back fine so they gave me a shot of pain and nausea medicine and sent me home with instructions to call my Dr on Monday and a number for a surgeon.

I saw my Dr. yesterday and they have a preliminary appointment scheduled with a surgeon for next week. NEXT WEEK! And it’s only a preliminary. So that sucker is staying in there, all grumpy and aggravated, for at least another week. I’m not super worried about the surgery. although believe me, I’d much rather NOT have it. (ok, really, I’m kind of terrified)

But I’m just so sore and hurting still. It’s like this attack just doesn’t want to let up.

My upper abdomen is so sore. It hurts when I take a deep breath, or sneeze or cough, etc., which I’m doing plenty of so it’s pretty miserable. And it’s making me really behind on posts and reviews and replying to emails and such. I just feel too bad to stay up for long.

I know plenty of you have had your gallbladder removed. So I’d like to know your experience. If yours wasn’t an emergency operation and it was scheduled like mine will be, did you still have a lot of pain leading up to it or did things kind of calm down a little?

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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2 thoughts on “HELP! I Have Gallstones!”

  1. Hubby had his out 2 years ago. He had 3 major attacks before he finally had the surgery. He did really well if he followed a GB friendly diet, when he ate like normal he had attacks and was in a lot of pain. If they didn’t give you any ideas of what to eat, maybe look it up (because it was a few years ago so I’m not sure I’d remember the exact details of the diet he followed lol). Hope you feel better!

    • Thank you @Christina! My Dr said to eat things like applesauce and oatmeal. Things that are bland and absolutely NO citrus. And that is I go to any Holiday dinners to avoid gravies and sauces especially because they are fatty. So far, I’ve been living on fat free pretzels and grapes. She also said some people have problems with grapes but they are the only thing that sounds appetizing so I’m trying them.


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