Order THM Hydrates & New Chillax Hemp Oil Cream

THM Chillax Hemp Oil Cream For Sale this Thursday!

THM Chillax Hemp Oil Sale

For those of y’all that follow the THM way of eating, there’s going to be a sale on a few things tomorrow PLUS their Hydrates flavor sticks will be in stock along with the NEW Chillax Hemp Oil Cream!

THM Hydrates Flavor Sticks

Products included are:

The Trim Healthy Mama team has designed a new form of their wonderful Hemp CBD products. This one is a cream version of the Chillax. I, personally, use the Chillax Oil and am considering purchasing the cream for Clay’s Gouty Arthritis. It is an Isolate so there is NO THC. This makes it a better choice for those worries about zero tolerance policies at their work.

As with any product, use at your own risk. If you feel you may be drug tested and are worried about something showing up, use at your own risk, although, this product shouldn’t cause any problems. But, I can’t say for sure that it won’t because I don’t know enough about how these tests work. What I can tell you is that I, personally, have noticed a difference using the oil form. It may or may not work for you, but I really like the differences it makes in me.

Chillax Herbally-Infused CBD Isolate Cream

Chillax is a proprietary, patent pending cannabinoid infused cream. It’s unique aloe based, uptake formula is infused with herbs chosen for their calming and de-stressing benefits. 

Trim Healthy Mama

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