Speed reading is a technique that makes it possible for you to read more than 1,000 words per minute. Despite there being a few natural-born speed readers, most speed readers are actually self-taught. With the help of speed reading software programs, you can easily learn how to read faster. If you are a regular reader who’s looking to learn how to speed read, you will want to know these 5 secrets of successful speed readers.
Larger Fixation Fields
Reading does not occur when our eyes are moving; it occurs during the fixation phase when the eyes stop for a moment. Fast readers have the ability to perceive at least three words at a time, as opposed to one word at a time. In fact, studies have shown that those who can read more than 1,000 words per minute do not read one line at a time like regular readers. They are able to perceive several parts of several lines with each eye fixation.
Fewer Eye Movements
Even the slowest of speed readers reads text in big chunks of three to four words as opposed to reading one word at a time. This results in fewer eye fixations and movements and by extension, less eye fatigue. The reduction in eye fatigue enables speed readers to keep reading for a long time. However, if you are a regular reader, do not despair; studies have shown that the completion of a speed reading course can greatly improve your eye movements by decreasing the number of movements.
Reliance on Visual Imagery and Visual Memory
Studies show that fast readers have a better recall of visual detail. In fact, even when there isn’t any visual detail within the reading material, fast readers are able to come up with visual imagery of the material within their minds. This makes it easier for them to recall the information later on since they only need to retrieve the image and then the information will follow.
Absence of Inner Speech
Slow readers rely heavily on inner speech and subvocalization (which is the need to sound out each and every word they read in their heads). In fact, for slow readers, reading is a three-step process that begins with seeing the visual symbol (the word), then saying it internally, and finally deriving meaning from the symbol. Fast readers, on the other hand, are able to read without necessarily “talking to themselves.” This means that fast readers can go from visual input to comprehension immediately, thereby skipping the auditory stage of association that is the undoing of many slow readers.
All the above-mentioned secrets of speed readers can easily be learned through the use of speed reading software such as 7 Speed Reading. In fact, you only need to use the software for less than 30 minutes each day and within three to four weeks, you’ll be able to read three to ten times faster.