Enjoy This Wild Berry Oolong Sweet Tea – THM FP – All Day Sipper

This recipe follows the guidelines of a Trim Healthy Mama Fuel Pull and can be used as an All Day Sipper. This means it doesn't contain a fuel source and can be sipped on all day, one after another. Sip all day or enjoy with your S, E or FP meals!
This entry is part [not set] of 7 in the series Trim Healthy Mama
Trim Healthy Mama

I mentioned recently that Clay and I are now following the Trim Healthy Mama eating lifestyle. Between the 2 of us, we have lost over 70 pounds in a little over 6 months. The food is delicious and we have not been deprived of anything tasty! Today, I have a delicious Wild Berry Oolong Sweet Tea recipe for you that incorporates the fat-burning power of Oolong Tea, ginger and apple cider vinegar(ACV) along with Baobab powder and a yummy wild berry tea.

(originally posted 9/24/18 and updated 6/13/23)

If you’re not a fan of Oolong, this sipper will help cut some of the boldness of that flavor and give you a mild, fruity, sweet tea.

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Enjoy This Wild Berry Boost Sweet Tea - THM FP - All Day Sipper

This is my favorite Oolong:

We gave up refined sugar back in March of 2018 along with white rice, white flour, regular pasta and bread. Really, that’s about the only things you give up when following THM. And you aren’t deprived because you replace them with a healthy alternative.

For instance, instead of refined sugar, we now use stevia, erythritol, xylitol (occasionally) and some honey for health benefits. Our favorite is a stevia/erythritol blend found at Walmart and Amazon, called Pyure Prganic Stevia Blend. Instead of white rice, we use brown rice and brown rice pasta or Dreamfields pasta. We eat bread that has sprouted grains as the first ingredient and also make our own “on-plan” breads using almond/coconut flour, eggs, etc. I’ve also goten into making my own sourdough bread using a starter! There’s definitely a learning curve to that. To thicken sauces, I now use xanthan gum or gluccomanan instead of corn starch or flour.

Honestly, the changes haven’t been that noticeable as far as foods go. The texture of baked goods is different but do-able. You do have to experiment with recipes and sweeteners to find what works for you. In my opinion, almost all the baked goods had a cornbread texture, when first starting out. I’ve learned some tips and tricks along the way and can handle many baked goods now.

One thing that is big on Trim Healthy Mama is the All Day Sippers. These are drinks that do not contain a fuel source, so, no large amounts of carbs or fats. They are called a Fuel Pull because they don’t contain any fuels to burn. These drinks can be sipped on all day, like water or plain black coffee. This helps us get in our daily fluid amounts without getting bored of plain water.

Each day I’ll drink a Good Girl Moonshine, Boost Juice, Sweetened Tea or Lemonade. I’ll mix the drinks up depending on what I’m in the mood for. And if I want something hot and comforting I’ll do that too! THM has a yummy recipe for TrimQuik chocolate milk, an Apple Pie Sip and Hot Cocoa. See? Not deprived in the least!

One of my new favorite sippers is one I created and named and Wild Berry Oolong Sweet Tea. It uses Oolong tea, Wild Berry Zinger tea, ACV, ginger, sweetener and an incredible ingredient called Baobab powder. This powder contains TONS of fiber and vitamin C and a whole, long list of other things our bodies need.

You can buy Wild Berry Zinger tea here!

What is Baobab Powder?

Its citrus and sherbet tasting dried flesh has five times the fiber of oats, and higher antioxidant levels than any food on the planet (8 times that of the super berry Acai, and more than both blueberries and pomegranates combined!) It has more than twice the calcium of milk, double the magnesium and iron of spinach and is loaded with six times the potassium of bananas.Trim Health Mama

This drink is super easy to make. You simply brew your tea and stir in the remaining ingredients!

Enjoy This Wild Berry Oolong Sweet Tea

THM FP – All Day Sipper

I’ve edited this recipe, slightly, to include more flavor!

Wild Berry Oolong Sweet Tea – THM FP

This recipe follows the guidelines of a Trim Healthy Mama Fuel Pull and can be used as an All Day Sipper. This means it doesn’t contain a fuel source and can be sipped on all day, one after another. Sip all day or enjoy with your S, E or FP meals!
Servings: 1
Author: Crystal Martin
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Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 8 minutes
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  • 12 oz Hot water (just off the boil)
  • 2 Celestial Seasonings Wild Berry Zinger Tea (2 tea bags)
  • 1 Oolong Tea (1 tea bag)
  • 1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar ( with the "Mother")
  • 2 1/2 tsp Pyure (brand sweetener or your favorite on-plan sweetener of choice to taste)
  • 1/4 tsp Ginger (ground OR 1 TBSP Ginger Juice)
  • 1 tsp Baobab Powder (THM Baobab Boost Powder)
  • 1/2 C Ice


  • In quart jar, Steep both tea bags in just off the boil water for 5 minutes.
  • Throw tea bags away
  • Stir in remaining ingredients SEE NOTE
  • Add enough ice to fill the jar
  • Stir and enjoy!


If Baobab Boost Powder is clumping, blend a few seconds in a blender bottle or blender, holding lid tightly. Some blenders warn against using hot liquids so you can blend the Babobab Boost Powder with 1/4 cup cold water and then mix in the hot tea mixture if desired.
Enjoy hot or cold!
If drinking hot/warm, leave out ice and finish filling jar with warm water.
Nutrition Note:These nutrition facts were calculated automatically by our recipe card and do not include sugar alcohols or net carbs. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of these nutrition facts but I believe the macros are actually lower than shown here.


Serving: 32ounces
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Check out our other Trim Healthy Mama recipes!

See our low glycemic/healthy eating picks on Amazon!

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2 thoughts on “Enjoy This Wild Berry Oolong Sweet Tea – THM FP – All Day Sipper”

  1. 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this! Is has a light, fruity “zing” to it. Very refreshing. I can see me making this all summer long. I did add more sweetener for my preference, but I have a sweet tooth 🙂 Thanks for the recipe!

    • HI Amy,
      Thank you for trying our recipe and letting me know how you like it! I think I’ll try adding some more sweetener next time too. My sweet tooth has been in high gear this last month. 😂

      I’ve also been making this same drink, replacing the teas with a Bai drink OR replacing them with a Trim Healthy Mama Hydrate stick just for a change in flavors. It’s pretty good! I use less sweetener with those since they’re already sweetened.

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